Products>Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God (audio)

Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God (audio)



Being close to God means communicating with him—telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. It is this second half of our conversation with God that is so important but that can also be so difficult. How do we hear his voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear?

The key, says best-selling author Dallas Willard, is to focus not so much on individual actions and decisions as on building our personal relationship with our creator. In this updated classic, originally published as In Search of Guidance, the author provides rich spiritual insight into how we can hear God’s voice clearly and develop an intimate partnership with him in the work of his kingdom.

Audiobooks add new dimension to your digital library. When you listen in Logos, your audiobooks sync across devices—pause a book anytime on your home computer, then pick up where you left off in your car or on your laptop. Listen on your lunch breaks, as a family, or as part of your personal devotional time. Tap into the power of Logos Bible Software in a whole new way.

  • Discusses how to better communicate with God and hear his voice regularly
  • Focuses on understanding what messages God conveys to us
  • Explains how to develop a personal relationship with God to better hear his will
  • A Paradox about Hearing God
  • Guidelines for Hearing from God
  • Never Alone
  • Our Communicating Cosmos
  • The Still, Small Voice and Its Rivals
  • The Word of God and the Rule of God
  • Redemption through the Word of God
  • Recognizing the Voice of God
  • A Life More Than Guidance
Dallas Willard

Dallas Willard (1935-2013) was a professor in the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles for over forty years. A highly influential author and teacher, Willard was as celebrated for his enduring writings on spiritual formation as he was for his scholarship. His books include The Divine Conspiracy (Christianity Today's Book of the Year in 1998), The Spirit of the Disciplines, Hearing God, Renovation of the Heart and others. His books have received numerous Christianity Today Annual Book Awards and other recognitions. Willard served on the boards of the C. S. Lewis Foundation and Biola University, and was a member of numerous evaluation committees for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. He received bachelor's degrees from both Tennessee Temple College and Baylor University and a graduate degree at Baylor University, as well as a PhD from the University of Wisconsin in Philosophy and the History of Science.


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  1. Dan Taylor

    Dan Taylor


    So I am a little confused, for this price we are getting both print version for our library and the audio book or JUST the audio book?
  2. Nathan Elarton
    We will miss Dr. Willard.
