Products>Mobile Ed: BI205 Old Testament Exegesis: Understanding and Applying the Old Testament (15 hour course)

Mobile Ed: BI205 Old Testament Exegesis: Understanding and Applying the Old Testament (15 hour course)

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Embark on a journey of OT Hebrew exegesis with Jason DeRouchie. The books of the OT were the only Scriptures Jesus had. It was books like Genesis and Deuteronomy, Isaiah and Psalms that shaped Jesus’ upbringing and that guided His life in ministry as the Jewish Messiah. It was these Scriptures that Jesus identified as God’s Word and that He considered to be authoritative; it was these Scriptures that He believed called people to know and believe in God and guarded them against doctrinal error and hell. This course will give you the tools you need to access meaning in the OT and then apply it to your life. It will help you to grow in reading God’s living Word for depth and not just distance.


For a bundle of important courses that equip students to better understand and teach Scripture, see the Mobile Ed: Studies in Biblical Interpretation Bundle, S (2 courses).

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Approach the Old Testament text from multiple helpful scholarly viewpoints
  • Identify the genre, translation issues, and key terms of many prominent texts from the Old Testament
  • Approach passages of Scripture, looking for elements that uncover their literary content and historical setting


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1: The Interpretive Task

  • What Is Exegesis?
  • Why Hebrew Exegesis of the Old Testament?
  • Overview of the Interpretive Process: TOCMA

Unit 2: Text Boundaries

  • Basic Rules for Text Boundaries
  • Identifying Text Blocks: Vavand Asyndeton
  • Text Blocks in Genesis: TheTholedoth
  • Distinguishing Text Types
  • Delimiting Paragraphs
  • Hebrew Discourse Markers: WayehiandWehayah
  • Citation Formulas
  • Text Boundaries for Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 3: Text Criticism

  • Overview of Text Criticism
  • Book Titles, Arrangement, and the Masorah
  • The Textual Apparatus
  • The Most Important Texts and Versions
  • Some Common Scribal Errors
  • Guidelines for Text Criticism
  • Text Criticism in Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 4: Translation

  • Making Your Translation
  • Engaging Different Translations and Translation Theory
  • The Importance of Day Six in Genesis 1
  • Made for Praise in Zephaniah 3:20
  • Translation of Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 5: Grammar

  • A Man After God’s Own Heart? (1 Sam 13:14)
  • What Is Grammar?
  • Clauses and Sentences
  • Delimiting Clauses and the Thought-Flow of Exodus 19:4–6
  • Markers of Immediate Significance
  • Inference Markers
  • Thought-Flow of Genesis 12:1–3
  • Verbless Clauses: Subject vs. Predicate
  • The Grammar of the Shema (Deut 6:4)
  • Text Blocks, Reported Speech, and Embedded Discourse
  • Functions of Marked Clauses: Part 1
  • Functions of Marked Clauses: Part 2
  • Determining the Apodosis in Exodus 19:5–6
  • The Thought-Flow of Exodus 19:4–6
  • The Function of Kiin Exodus 19:5
  • The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: An Overview
  • The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bibleon Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 6: Structure

  • Step One: Capturing the Logical Relationships
  • Logical Relationships in Genesis 12:1–3
  • Logical Relationships in Habakkuk 3:17–19
  • Logical Relationships in Exodus 19:4–6
  • Step Two: Exegetical Outlining
  • Exegetical Outlining: The Process in Genesis 12:1–3
  • Exegetical Outline of Habakkuk 3:17–19
  • Exegetical Outline of Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 7: Genre

  • Genre and Its Relationship to Exodus 19:4–6
  • Putting Genre within Its Biblical Context
  • Genre Analysis and the Old Testament’s Polemical Theology
  • Differences of Genre and the Question of Historicity
  • Psalm Genres
  • Psalms of Lament, Trust, Thanksgiving, and Praise
  • Benefits and Cautions to Genre Analysis in the Psalms
  • The Distinctive Nature of Biblical Narrative
  • Biblical Narrative: Factual History or Myth?
  • Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Narrative
  • Interpreting the Historical Narrative in 1 Kings 17
  • The Distinctive Nature of Yahweh Prophecy
  • The Categories of Prophetic Oracles
  • Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy: Part 1
  • Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy: Part 2
  • Law as a Subset of Prophecy
  • General Characteristics of Biblical Proverbs
  • Reconsidering Proverbs 22:6
  • Are There Ever Absolute Proverbs?

Unit 8: Word Studies

  • Understanding Your Lexicons and Theological Wordbooks
  • Principles for Using Your Lexicon and Performing Word Studies
  • Four Factors to Consider When Doing Word Studies
  • Segullahin Exodus 19:5: Part 1
  • Segullahin Exodus 19:5: Part 2
  • Zera'in the Old Testament
  • Yahweh in Zephaniah

Unit 9: Historical Context

  • Key Questions for Assessing Historical Context
  • Key Spheres in Which to Establish Historical Context
  • Shared Assumptions and the Bible’s Clarity
  • Engaging Historical Context: Errors and Guidelines
  • The Historical Context of 1 Samuel 13:14
  • Geographical Details in Deuteronomy 1:1
  • The Historical Context of Exodus 19:4–6

Unit 10: Literary Context

  • Grasping Literary Context
  • The Old Testament in Ten Minutes
  • The Literary Flow of Psalms
  • Psalm 121 in Its Literary Context
  • Flow of Thought in the Book of the Twelve
  • Exodus 19:4–6 in Its Literary Context: Part 1
  • Exodus 19:4–6 in Its Literary Context: Part 2

Unit 11: Biblical Theology

  • Presuppositions: Part 1
  • Presuppositions: Part 2
  • Task
  • Salvation-Historical Connections: Part 1
  • Salvation-Historical Connections: Part 2
  • Literary-Canonical Connections
  • Relationship of the Testaments
  • Centrality of Christ
  • The Bible’s Frame, Form, Focus, and Fulcrum
  • A Kingdom of Priests: Part 1
  • A Kingdom of Priests: Part 2

Unit 12: Systematic Theology

  • What Is Systematic Theology?
  • Exodus 19:4–6: Soteriology
  • Exodus 19:4–6: Missiology
  • Ecclesiology and Eschatology (Zeph 3:9–10)

Unit 13: Pastoral Theology

  • The Importance and Challenge of Applying the Old Testament
  • Ten Reasons Why the Old Testament Is Still Important
  • Old Testament Written for Christians: Part 1
  • Old Testament Written for Christians: Part 2
  • Guidelines for Application and Exodus 19:4–6: Part 1
  • Guidelines for Application and Exodus 19:4–6: Part 2
  • Establishing the Law’s Relevance for Christians
  • Assessing the Threefold Division of the Law
  • Guidelines for Applying the Law
  • House Building (Deut 22:8)
  • Gender Confusion (Deut 22:5)
  • Sabbath Keeping: Part 1
  • Sabbath Keeping: Part 2
  • Applying Old Testament Promises: Challenge and Necessity
  • Guidelines for Applying Old Testament Promises: Part 1
  • Guidelines for Applying Old Testament Promises: Part 2
  • Kept in Perfect Peace in Isaiah 26:3
  • Preaching the Gospel from the Old Testament: Part 1
  • Preaching the Gospel from the Old Testament: Part 2


  • Overview and Conclusion
  • Title: BI205 Old Testament Exegesis: Understanding and Applying the Old Testament
  • Instructor: Jason DeRouchie
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 15
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

Jason S. DeRouchie received his PhD at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is associate professor of Old Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary. He is coauthor of A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew and A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew: Workbook.

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course comes with an Activities resource that functions as a type of “workbook” for the course. This resource includes learning activities such as: places for you to respond to reflection questions, exercises that will challenge and show you how deepen your understanding of this course by using specific Logos tools and resources, tutorial videos on different features of Logos Bible Software, and links to relevant Logos guides and tools. A link to open the Activities resource is conveniently placed at the end of every segment.



7 ratings

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  1. Kenneth Lee

    Kenneth Lee


    Perhaps one of the best Hebrew Exegesis courses you could take. If you have the basics of hebrew down, you'll want to take this course. If you prefer reading over video, consider his textbook "How to Understand and Apply the OT" You would need basic understanding of Hebrew for most of the course. Pastoral Theology section does not need an understanding of Hebrew.
  2. Abraham Gao

    Abraham Gao


    Do I need to have Hebrew language to take this class?
  3. Hugo Sørli

    Hugo Sørli


    What kind of exegetical note books he mention in the last demo video above? I think I heard westberries, but can seam to find it when I try to search. Any that could help me out?
  4. Joel Rivera

    Joel Rivera


    Every course of exegesis requires a basic knowledge of biblical languages.
  5. Michael John Nisbett
    I just finished going through the course. Overall, Brother Jason does a good job in covering the subject. Other than the occasional derailments in relation to the Sabbath, the state of the dead and unclean foods, etc., he covers the subject well. In these subjects that he comes to conclusions that have no foundation the life and practice of Jesus nor the apostles. The texts that he uses to substantiate his beliefs are taken out of context (something that he warns us not to do). Therefore, I cannot give him the full 5 stars but it is a solid course outside of the aforementioned errors. A prerequisite knowledge of Hebrew is not needed. I used my Faithlife Connect credit to take the course and got my money's worth.
  6. Dwight Anderson
    hi do you have to know Hebrew to take this course??



  8. José Carlos Martínez Cristóbal
  9. Defenders Media
    Did the instructor mention his 2009 Broadman & Holman Hebrew grammar, titled A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, that he co-authored with Duane Garrett?
  10. Richard Keane

    Richard Keane



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